Stringjoy 50-105 Signatures Nickel Wound 4-String Bass Strings

SKU: SJ-BA50105LS Categories: , , ,

Nickel Wound
Strong Fundamental
Gauge .050 .065 .085 .105


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Stringjoy 50-105 Long Scale 4 String Medium Gauge Signatures - Nickel Wound 4-string bass Strings

We call this one the Goldilocks set because it's not too heavy and it's not too light. It's juuuust right. I like to think that if Goldilocks was a musician, she'd be a bass player and would be able to lay down the funkiest bass grooves that would keep those three bears up dancing all night long.

Now where were we...
Our Long Scale Nickel-Plated Steel Roundwound 4-string bass strings sets have a taper at 37.1" from the ball end. This is the ideal taper-length for all 34″ and most non-string-thru 35″ scale basses.

Gauges: .050 - .070 - .085 - .105

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.045 .065 .085 .105


Hexagonal Round Wound


Stainless Steel


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